Yi Sun & Xianwei Zhu. ETERNAL JOURNEY: Weisses Häusle till 2 July and Villa Eugenia till 23 July. Kunstverein Hechingen

4 June - 23 July 2023 

"In the works of the artist couple Yi Sun and Xianwei Zhu, the influences of Chinese and Western European worlds of ideas meet and combine organically to create a new visual language. The resulting paintings and drawings reflect the intense experience of nature and its elemental forces. On the border to abstraction, enchanted seascapes and misty mountain peaks emerge as places of longing between willful imagination and lost memory. Consciously, the motifs of the art of German Romanticism resonate in it and Hölderlin's hymnody, cross-connections between two - supposedly so distant from each other - cultures become inescapable."


Clemens Ottnad, art historian